Part 1 介紹了用來表示 地方 / 方向 的介系詞,Part 2 提到 時間 / 方法 / 原因 / 具有與缺乏 的介系詞用法,最後我們還要補充一些分類項目之外的的介系詞給大家。Let's go~
advise sb on sth | 建議 |
Example: Our professor advised us on how to complete the final part of the experiment. 教授在實驗的最終階段給予我們建議。 |
agree with sb on sth | 同意 |
Example: The mother agrees with her children on their summer vacation plan. 那位母親首肯了孩子們的暑假規劃。 |
ask (sb) about sth | 詢問 |
Example: The police asked the neighbors about the suspect's whereabouts. 警方詢問鄰居關於那位嫌疑犯的行蹤。 |
ask (sb) for sth | 要求 |
Example: The labors ask for pay raise in the strike. 勞方在罷工行動中要求加薪。 |
belong to sb | 屬於 |
Example: The delicate vase belongs to my great grandmother. 這個精巧的花瓶是我曾祖母所有。 |
borrow sth from sb | 借入 |
Example: I borrow the scooter from my brother to practice in my driving lessons. 我為了在駕訓班練習騎車而向哥哥借了機車。 |
buy sth for sb | 買某物給某人 |
Example: I bought a nice purse for my mom as her birthday gift. 我買了一個精美的皮夾給媽媽作為生日禮物。 |
care about sth | 在乎;關心 |
Example: Parents always care about their children's' needs. 父母總是在乎孩子們的需要。 |
compare A with B | 與...比較 |
Example: My mom never compares me with my brother. 媽媽從來不會拿我跟哥哥(的表現)做比較。 |
decorate sth with sth | 用...裝飾 |
Example: We decorate the Christmas tree with lots of flashing light bulbs. 我們用很多閃爍的小燈泡來裝飾耶誕樹。 |
depend on sb / sth | 憑靠某人 / 某事 |
Example: The single-parent family depends on the mother's earnings to live. 那個單親家庭單靠母親的收入來過生活。 |
forget about sth | 忘記 |
Example: I suddenly forget about the senior high school classmate's name. 我突然忘記那位高中同學的名字。 |
forgive sb for sth | 原諒 |
Example: My classmate forgives me for forgetting her name. 我的同學原諒我忘記她的名字。 |
help sb with sth | 幫助 |
Example: My boyfriend helps me with the science project. 我的男朋友協助我一同完成自然科報告。 |
help oneself to sth | 自行取用食物 |
Example: Please help yourself with all the food and drinks at the party. 請自行取用派對裡一切的食物與飲料。 |
introduce sb to sb | 介紹某人給某人 |
Example: My senior introduces me to the chairman of the department. 學長將我引薦給系主任。 |
invite sb to sth | 邀請某人到某處 |
Example: Bob invites us to his house for the birthday party. 鮑勃邀請我們去他家參加生日派對。 |
know about sth | 了解關於某事 |
Example: Do you know about the result of the election? 你知道選舉的結果嗎? |
marry sb to sb | 某人嫁 / 娶某人 |
Example: The king wants to marry his daughter to the prince from another country. 國王想要將他的女兒許配給另一個國家的王子。 |
pay for sth | 付錢買 |
Example: I will pay for dinner. It's my treat! 晚餐費用我來支付,這頓我請客! |
prepare sth for sb / sth | 為...準備 |
Example: Please prepare a nice suit for the Prom. 請為畢業舞會準備一套正式服裝。 |
prepare for sth | 準備 |
Example: I always prepare for every test. 我總是為每一場考試做準備。 |
remind sb of sth | 使...回想起 |
Example: The album reminds me of childhood memory. 這本相簿使我回想起許多兒時記憶。 |
rob sb of sth | 搶劫 |
Example: The robber robbed the old lady of all her belongings. 那名強盜搶走了老太太的所有身家財產。 |
run into sb | 不期而遇 |
Example: I ran into my teacher in the supermarket yesterday. 我昨天在超市碰見我的老師。 |
run into sth | 遭到;撞到 |
Example: Our boat ran into a storm in the Taiwan Channel. 我們的船在台灣海峽遇上大風浪。 |
run out of sth | 沒有 |
Example: Our car runs out of gas after a three-hour drive. 連續開車三小時後我們耗盡汽油。 |
smile at sb | 對...微笑 |
Example: The mother smiles at the baby after the procreation. 那名母親在生產完後看著孩子笑了。 |
speak to / with sb (about sth) | 和某人談到有關某事 |
Example: My teacher speaks to my mom about my performance at school. 我的老師和我母親談到我在學校的表現。 |
spend sth on sb / sth | 花時間、金錢在某人、某物上 |
Example: I spend a lot of time on my study. 我在課業上花費很多時間。 |
steal sth from sb | 從...偷 |
Example: The boy steals some money from his grandmother to buy toys. 那名男孩從祖母那兒偷錢去買玩具。 |
stop sb / sth from Ving | 阻止 |
Example: I successfully stop my mom from transfering money to scam gang. 我成功阻止媽媽匯錢給詐騙集團。 |
take sth with sb | 帶;拿 |
Example: I take a handmade cake with me to visit my grandparents. 我帶著手工蛋糕去看望祖父母。 |
tell sb about sth | 告訴某人有關某事 |
Example: The class leader told the class about the marrige of their teacher. 班長告訴全班關於老師結婚的消息。 |
thank sb for sth | 感謝 |
Example: I thank my mom for preparing breakfast for me everyday. 我感謝媽媽每天為我準備早餐。 |
wait for sth / sb | 等待 |
Example: We are waiting for the teacher to dismiss the class. 我們在等待老師宣布下課。 |
wast sth on sth / sb | 浪費時間、錢在某人、某物上 |
Example: David doesn't like to wast his time on waiting for his girlfriend. 大衛不喜歡浪費時間等女朋友。 |
work (for sth) as sth | (替...工作)擔任... |
Example: I work for my adviser as research assistant. 我擔任指導教授的研究助理。 |
work on sth | 忙著 |
Example: My fiance and I are working on our wedding ceremony. 我和未婚夫正忙著籌備婚禮。 |
worry about sb / sth | 擔心 |
Example: There are always a lot of graduates worry about their job at graduation season . 總是有許多畢業生在畢業季煩惱他們的工作。 |