

要表達「我也是!」,除了Me too還能怎麼說呢?這就要有請 附和句 登場啦~


(1) 肯定附和句 (too / so)

too 放在句尾,前面需要加逗號

S + V (s/es)…, and S + 助動詞 (do/does), too.

I walk to school, and you do, too. 我走路去上學,你也是。

S + Vpt…, and S + 助動詞 (did), too.

You got up late this morning, and I did, too. 你今天晚起,我也是。

S + beV…, and S + beV, too.

Sandy is the model student in her class, and her sister is, too.


以so 代替too 的附和句倒裝,意思相同

S + V (s/es)…, and so + do/does + S.

I go to school on foot, and so do you. 我走路去上學,你也是。

S + Vpt…, and so + did + S.

You overslept this morning, and so didi I. 你今天睡過頭,我也是。

S + beV…, and so + beV + S.

Sandy is a straight A student, and so is her sister.


S + has to/have to (必須) + Vrt, and so + do/does + S.

S + has to/have to (必須) + Vrt, and S + do/does, too.

Cinderella has to go back home before the magic gone, and so does the coachman who changed from rat. / and the coachman who changed from rat does, too.


S + has/have + Vpp (現在完成式), and so + has/have + S.

S + has/have + Vpp (現在完成式), and S + has/have, too.

Tom has worked in this company for more than ten years, and so has his colleague David. / and his colleague David has, too.


(2) 否定附和句 (either / neither)

either 放在句尾,前面需要加逗號

S + don’t /doesn’t /didn’t + Vrt…, and S + don’t /doesn’t /didn’t, either.

I don’t love animals, and he doesn’t, either.


S + can’t /won’t + Vrt…, and S + can’t /won’t, either.

I can't eat beef, and my Muslim friend can't, either.


S + hasn’t /haven’t + Vpp…, and S + hasn’t /haven’t, either.

William hasn't finished his project, and his classmate Eddie hasn't, either.


否定複合句的倒裝,有兩種表示方法:neither / nor

neither (不定詞) = not either

and neither = nor (連接詞)

Note:neither /nor 不與 not 連用

S + don’t /doesn’t /didn’t + Vrt… , and neither do /does /did + S.

S + don’t /doesn’t /didn’t + Vrt… , nor do/does/did + S.

I don’t have an interest in animals, and neither does he. / nor does he.


S + can’t /won’t + Vrt…, and neither can /will + S.

S + can’t /won’t + Vrt…, nor can /will + S.

I can't eat beef, and neither can my Muslim friend. / nor can my Muslim friend.


S + hasn’t /haven’t + Vpp…, and neither has /have + S.

S + hasn’t /haven’t + Vpp…, nor has /have + S.

William hasn't hanged in his project, and neither has his classmate Eddie. / nor has his classmate Eddie.



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    Yolanda Liu


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